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Spring 2024

Here’s our Spring news. Click here to open the Servant King Times.

Blog Teaching

Fear not: What is a Christian response to fear and uncertainty?

We can be gripped by fear, certainly. It can be our downfall. More than the violence, bereavement, and loss of security, the idea of impending doom can paralyze us to inaction. I contend for a place to begin: A Christian response is one where “love casts out fear.” What have we to be afraid of? […]


A voice in the wilderness

Thursday Bible Study News Recently we have updated our format for Thursday Bible Study a little. Since the Spring with COVID-19 we have had a Zoom option for people to come and join while we had social distancing at home. We have seen that if everyone is logged in to the meeting with one or […]

Service Unity

Walk for peace

What a special moment was shared today with Pastor Jack Read of the Church of the Servant King. Our fathers marched together over 28 years ago during the 1992 civil unrest and we are still fighting the good fight today. Thank you, Pastor Read and COSK for your support. Pastor Sonja Dawson (Facebook post) The purpose of […]

Gospel Teaching

Bible Study Summaries

A little context Bible Study Summaries on our blog ( are group discussion session notes and summaries of direct teaching presentations. Group discussions, with which we lead off Thursday Bible study are where those gathered discuss what has been gleaned during the week as we do our homework. Teaching presentations are given for a more […]

Apologetics Gospel

Why God made us

A first of many talks. Mark records Scott on “Why God made us, Part 1.” Please take a listen and let us know what you think.

Gospel Service

Reaching in and out

Video sharing In COVID-19 like fashion, I am tinkering with video to support my students. I am trying to share an original short video each day or so. My school “Reading foundations” playlist on my channel is here: Along with the “safer-at-home” COVID-19 restrictions comes the question of reaching out in our church community context. […]


Changing Plans

A quick note to express our sadness that the trip we had planned to Papua New Guinea has been called off. We are all reeling from the recent turn of events in our country and around the world. It is understandable and was to be expected that plans would have to change. More details to […]


Time for change

We just received Jeff and Linda’s most recent newsletter. In it they state: “This year is one of transition for us.  After 26 years of serving in the clinic, God has shown us that it is time to retire from active service in PNG.  We have welcomed Susan Smith and Baraka Mikanagu and they have […]