A little context
Bible Study Summaries on our blog (http://www.servant-king.org/category/blog/) are group discussion session notes and summaries of direct teaching presentations. Group discussions, with which we lead off Thursday Bible study are where those gathered discuss what has been gleaned during the week as we do our homework. Teaching presentations are given for a more in depth look at the passage and point to personal response.
Assignments and study context:
“What do I still lack?”
Matthew 19:20
- One of our assignments is to spend at least 2 hours doing homework and study in preparation.
- We also have requested that people study together if at all possible, in order to spend time together, for accountability, and to work together in the scripture.
- We make the attempt to study without an academic mindset but a more personal one. Not asking ‘what does the Greek say?” Rather, examining the scripture with the mindset of “What do I still lack?” Making it personal, not merely an intellectual exercise.
Timeline and disclaimer
Our current study of Matthew is taking place during the 2019-2020 time period. We are beginning our Bible Study Summaries in April 2020. In addition we have an effort to publish other types of study and teaching materials as we are able.
Posts to our blog at www.servant-king.org under the Gospel category are intended be an encouragement to others to dig deeper while asking the question of the rich young man in Matthew 19. Please know we do not think they are an exact representation of the conversations, comments, or teachings and are not intended to be a replacement for the value of meeting together to call each other on in our lives.
We would love to hear from you if you have any input, questions, or ideas but we do not desire to engage in doctrinal debates or conversations that do not call on the individual or congregations (churches) to renewal.