We began in 1974 in an attempt to be an authentic Christian witness. We began an “agenda,” the bare bones of essential ingredients to being the church. Through the years we attempted to flesh out that agenda in our life together. Some items on that document were leadership, growth, and living close (within a 10 minute drive of one another). A group of seekers decided to “throw in their lots” with one another for a year to see what the Lord would do with us.
At the end of the first year, thirteen of us decided to make a statement of commitment, abandoning our destiny to the Lord and to one another. Of that original band, four of us remain committed here in Gardena. Many changes have taken place over the years, and we hope we have grown in grace and thanksgiving.
We have greatly fluctuated in our numbers through the years and have the privilege of planting other congregations, thus growing by division. Our relationships with other congregations have grown and deepened through the years. We have seen some of our young people baptized and have experienced the joy of some of our children being partners in the kingdom with us. The emphasis on “Making disciples” and of engaging interns has become a richly rewarding part of our lives.
One unique aspect of our lives, and one that has afforded countless memories, is our church calendar. Always fluid and flexible(!), the calendar gives us opportunities to keep commitments together, to take breaks, and to rejoice in special yearly celebrations. Annually we observe the Celebration of the Faithful, Celebration of Life Together, Celebration of Grace and Thanksgiving, Celebration of the Children, and times to “turn and become like children.” These have all become an essential part of our life together and have enhanced our Christian journey.