
Upson Downs 9-4-2020

Another busy week flies by here at Church of the Servant King. We are getting ready to celebrate Labor Day weekend with a barbecue and a celebration for Abby’s third birthday. A heat wave is expected, so we may need to barbecue in our wading pool.  We finished reading Where Is God in a Coronavirus […]


Upson Downs 8-7-2020

This week we are all giving thanks that the new babies are back to birth weight and thriving. With their early appearances and various health challenges, it’s been even harder to adjust to the “new normal” (whatever that is) with newborns than usual. It’s great that fathers these days are given time off from work, […]

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Upson Downs 7-22-20

Upson Downs 7/22/20 Well, it’s been an exciting week! Of course, life in the Kingdom should always be exciting, challenging, daunting, and life-giving. This week has been especially so since both of our expectant mamas have been experiencing high blood pressure, with concerns for the babies’ and moms’ health the subject of many prayers.  Currently, […]