
Upson Downs 9-4-2020

Another busy week flies by here at Church of the Servant King. We are getting ready to celebrate Labor Day weekend with a barbecue and a celebration for Abby’s third birthday. A heat wave is expected, so we may need to barbecue in our wading pool. 

We finished reading Where Is God in a Coronavirus World? and are finishing up Families at the Crossroads which presents a cogent argument for a new paradigm for the church. ..

“We do well to remember that the early church was based in the households of Rome. The Christians of the New Testament worshiped together in their homes, welcomed and supported missionaries in homes, evangelized in homes, assisted the poor in homes and challenged the undue claims of Caesar in homes. On all counts, they regarded the home as something more significant, more challenging, more exciting than a haven.” 

Rodney Clapp Families at the Crossroads: Beyond Tradition Modern Options

The book is remarkably relevant today though it was written in 1993. 

Our new babies are thriving. Surprisingly although close in age, Rocky has far outdistanced Julia in size (and appetite!) They’re gradually getting the hang of nighttime vs. daytime, for which their parents are very grateful.

We give thanks for our Thursday night Zoom Bible study which is taking us and our guests through the book of Matthew. We have new folks “Zooming” in, as well as our “regulars.” In spite of Corona-virus, we are able to reach into our community and even further in the world (Mexico and Myanmar.)

Please continue to pray for us. Further up and further in.


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