Blog Celebrations Partnership Travel Unity Updates

Upson Downs 9.15.21

Greetings friends and family! To catch you all up on our recent “doings” I will start with the infusion of new folks into our midst. We welcomed Angie, Trevor, Andres, Isai, and Liesl this past week, so our weekend was spent on work “parties” (WHEE!) to help them get settled in. Yes, we are rather bursting at the seams. We are discussing visions for a new congregation somewhere and are anticipating a move in six months to a year. In the meantime, we will need to find  some extra space as the McCorkels are anticipating the arrival of baby #2 next year. 
Patty, Jack Read, and I recently spent time in Sellwood visiting and hopefully encouraging the brethren there. Jack just returned Tuesday morning and hit the ground running. 
Last weekend we had a Labor Day barbecue and welcomed many guests, friends old and new. We also celebrated Abby’s 4th birthday. It was a grand and glorious time.
Scott and Barb are currently in Atlanta helping with the grandkids and spending time with their daughter and son-in-law. We are glad for their chance to reconnect and pitch in but we will be thankful for their return next week. Speaking of grandparents, Jack M’s mom has been here loving and serving us and getting lots of time with her grandson Rocky, aka “Ruckus.”
My big news is that I finally retired from LAUSD after 37 years. It’s kind of weird and yet kind of wonderful. I discovered that it’s now much easier to lose track of days. Jack, Scott, and I are continuing to offer online exercise classes, and last week we also returned to in person fitness programs. It’s a bit surreal to exercise “socially distanced” and with masks on, but I am so glad to see people face to face (mask to mask?) and to be able to encourage them to be healthy and connect with others.
We are happily busy, celebrating the joy of being “neck deep in what is right and good and true.” We covet your prayers especially for Lyndsie’s health, a shared vision for moving ahead with a new congregation, loving and integrating our new partners, and continuing to love one another. May God’s Church be strong and faithful to God’s call, and may we exhibit the unity Christ appealed for in His prayer of John 17.
Thanks for your faithful friendship, love, support, and interest.
Grace and peace to you all,

For Church of the servant-King,


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