Life in the Body of Christ

Like everyone else, we are practicing social distancing while still trying to maintain “the unity of the Spirit” in our body. We count ourselves as most fortunate since we are stuck together here, helping each other, and serving each other in myriad ways.
The younger members shop, while those at home cook and tend to children. We are able to support those working from home due to efficient planning and help from Jack McCorkel. Those who are out of work are finding opportunities to tackle some of those projects which are further down on our to-do list.
Going through Rich’s things is bittersweet of course. It always brings a rush of memories and not a few tears, but is also a wonderful reminder of his far-reaching thoughtfulness and prodigious library which will be available for generations to come. We are finding more occasions to hang out, pray together and study together. We have become more thoughtful about meal planning, and more forward-thinking about our provisions, being careful but not panicked.
The children seem to be adjusting well to having more adults around, with more occasions to read, do puzzles, play games, or watch Sherlock Holmes together. When we “go out” to lunch, it’s usually next door. But we know we are incomparably blessed to have each other, emphasized even more so when many are truly alone and terrified.
We are striving to be of service to our neighborhood as well as to one another, and are currently pursuing the possibility of getting a Red Cross bloodmobile to come in order to donate much needed blood. We are eagerly anticipating the arrival of three new babies, one at the end of April. There is uncertainty about what the situation will be in the hospitals when the time for delivery comes, but we are trying to remain optimistic about that.
Jeremiah has been invaluable with his skill and willingness to tackle big projects. He will be going back to Portland soon, but we hope not too soon! Our neighbor Leslie is home from college indefinitely, and she has been is pitching wherever she is needed. “Half-pint,” as she is nicknamed, has been a HUGE help. God is good.