The Garcia Reyes family has arrived from Peru! We are again given the honor of being hospitable. Romans 12:13 succinctly states, “Contribute to the needs of the saints, practice hospitality.” And who knows? We may be “entertaining angels unawares.” (Hebrews 13:2) The Old Testament is also replete with admonitions to welcome the stranger. It’s a needed reminder to the Israelites that they were once strangers in a strange land. And so are we all, just beggars showing other beggars where to find bread. We have welcomed Jake and Joanna, Ramon, Molly and Paapa, Cassie, Jeff and Linda, the Dickersons, and the Williams in the time since our last update. It’s possible that I have even missed a few! We’re not finished yet as we anticipate the arrival of Liesl, Linda, and the Miller clan in August. I am confident that the Lord will bring more guests to our door. May we be found worthy.
We give thanks that the world is opening up again, and we look forward to what lies ahead. Some of what we are anticipating: Celebration of the Children, Wineskins, Rich’s Memorial, Nature and Purpose of the Church classes, and Member’s Retreat to name but a few. As always, we need “strength for today and bright hope for tomorrow.” We are thankful for your prayers and partnership. Our world desperately needs to see unity manifested; thereby Christ is proclaimed.
Grace and peace from Church of the Servant-King
Upson Downs 7.20.21