Wineskins Fellowship, a labor of love from Rich and Scott, has evolved alongside the congregation. Although not explicitly sponsored by Church of the Servant King, we have grown up and matured together as we seek to develop Koinonia and to love God with our minds.
Many more things could be said about our history, but hopefully this will give the reader a brief summary. We pray for God’s continued grace as we forge ahead on the adventure of our lifetime.
We would like to tell you about Wineskins, a gathering of Jesus’ disciples who desire to dialogue about significant Kingdom issues and establish and maintain networks of koinonia within the Body of Christ. We’ve met twice a year (Spring and Fall) to fellowship and reason together for over 35 years (since 1974).
There is a limit of 44 (forty-four) participants to give all attending a chance to become involved. The conference is not a time for relaxation. We are hard at it with little time provided for leisure. Issues are merely opened up and hammered out with no view of sending everyone home with “THE ANSWER”. Wineskins is an ecumenical gathering; many different expressions of our faith will be represented, such as Roman Catholics, Presbyterians, Mennonites, Baptists, Episcopalians, etc.
Everyone attending participates in paying for the conference. The speakers are not paid for their participation at the conferences; they are there because they want to be. Such is the Wineskins fellowship. It is our hope that the Lord will add His particular kind of success to our gathering; that we will not only enjoy the dialogue and information, but also real community and transformation.