Nature and Purpose of the Church Our story Partnership Travel

Cries for help

We received two cries for help this past week: one from our bishop friend in Liberia, and one from missionaries in Burma.

Guinea-Liberia-Sierra Leone

In Liberia they are experiencing a food shortage-money simply goes to supply basic needs. The ebola outbreak, civil wars, conflicts, skirmishes and perhaps corruption deny services to many. We send our small contribution in the hopes of alleviating suffering and helping our brothers and sisters as we are mandated to do.

While struggling with drought in California, it’s hard to imagine floods across the globe in Southeast Asia. As our lawns wither, we find such a deluge a bit inconceivable, yet the stark reality comes home when one views the photos of mass destruction from flooding.

Christians, alongside other relief organizations, work feverishly to rescue trapped victims and bring food, water, sanitation, and other necessities to the ravaged land.

So what’s the point here? Only that weekly we take an offering for the poor during our Bible study gathering. Such small amounts accumulate and we have been able to help out a bit through the years to many requests for help. We have purchased presents for needy families at Christmas, helped many folks in difficult circumstances and contributed to the “needs of the saints.”

We were able to help support a Washington D.C. church’s jobs ministry for many years, sending a small monthly offering. For this insignificant act, we were treated as heroes when we went there to visit our brothers and sisters.

This week we were pleasantly surprised to find that a thousand dollars had accumulated in our offering, and we were able to send help to those in urgent need. Consistent acts, even seemingly paltry efforts can make a difference.

Faithfulness is measured moment by moment. We hardly consider this sufficient effort; however, we believe Jesus when he says that being faithful in a little will help make us to be faithful in a lot. God multiplies our loaves and fishes in amazing ways. Hallelujah!

Photo credit: Morguefile

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