This week we are all giving thanks that the new babies are back to birth weight and thriving. With their early appearances and various health challenges, it’s been even harder to adjust to the “new normal” (whatever that is) with newborns than usual. It’s great that fathers these days are given time off from work, too. What a wonderful gift to parents and infants as well.
We find ourselves challenged and excited about many new opportunities coming our way. Accordingly, we are rearranging our schedules and teaching times to accommodate new folks who are asking some of the great questions of life. As we are admonished, we must always be prepared to give an answer for the hope that lies within us. If we really believe that Jesus has the words of life, we must be equipped to share those truths. We are utterly dependent on the partnership of Christ’s Holy Spirit in all our endeavors. If there’s no hope in Jesus Christ, then we are without hope, indeed. Especially in these days where hope seems to be in short supply, we want to be purveyors of it even more than ever before. John Lennox’s book, Where Is God in a Coronavirus World, has been timely. Although small, it covers weighty matters succinctly.
If there’s no hope in Jesus Christ, then we are without hope, indeed.
We teachers are preparing for another strange and remote school year, seeking to use the many new tools and technological advances wisely. Some of us have a much steeper challenge than others in that regard. We want to reach and to care for our students as best we can from a distance. Nothing can really replace the experience of being face to face, connecting personally, not virtually. But we will strive to make the most of what we have, and like everyone else, hope and pray for breakthroughs in the eradication of a virus that currently holds the entire world hostage. At the same time we are giving thanks to the God of all hope who keeps us busy, gives us purpose, and reminds us of his constant presence among us.
Stay well,
for Church of the Servant King, Regan